This is my first post back after having my baby, so I thought these positive affirmations for new moms were appropriate. I have had to use them almost daily to remind myself that this is just a season in my life. Yes, I am tired, but I will sleep again. Yes, I have negative thoughts about my postpartum body, but I just carried a human being for 9 months and I need to respect my body, be grateful for it, and give myself a break. Being a new mom is HARD. I have done it twice now, and each time has had it's challenges both physically and mentally. I do believe I have been a lot easier on myself this time around. Maybe it is because I knew what to expect, or maybe I was changed by my first postpartum experience. But, this time I know that I WILL recover, I WILL fee normal again (even though it is a slightly different normal than before), and I WILL get through the tough spots. Here are some of my daily New Mom Affirmations. PRINT THEM, say them, and love yourself, because you are amazing!
- This will get easier.
- Today is only one day. I have the rest of my life (and their lives) to be the parent I want to be.
- Every moment with this being is precious. Soak it in, cherish it, and remember it.
- I will ask for help if I need it.
- Instead of worrying what I’m doing “wrong” I’m choosing to see what I’m doing right.
- I am more than my body. I am strong. I am a mother.
- I can trust my maternal intuition.
- I am grateful for my body and it's ability to create and sustain life.
- I am doing the best that I can for my child and it is enough.
- I will take care of myself in order to take care of my child.