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Write for Us – Professionals and Specialists​

Professional Guest Writer Opportunity

Are you a professional or specialist in the fertility or women's wellness industry? Do you have an idea for an article that you feel would be a good fit for Foods for Fertility? Let us know! We love to work with like-minded people that are interested in helping women.

What Should I Write About?

We are looking for quality content that will be of interest to Foods for Fertility readers. Here are some ideas of content we're looking for:

  • IVF information and Support
  • Postpartum Support
  • PCOS information
  • Pregnancy
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Fertility apps and programs
  • Products related to Pregnancy, Motherhood, Babies and Fertility
  • Wellness Industry or Fertility Medicine News
  • The list goes on...

Submission Guidelines

  • Posts must be at least 700+ words long, preferably more.  We only want the best for our readers and posts shorter than this tend to be less helpful.
  • We only accept articles that are written in English at this moment.
  • Articles must be written by you and totally original! The same article and content cannot be submitted to multiple websites. We will be checking ALL submissions for breach of copyright.
  • We reserve the right to format the submitted article to match the rest of the Foods for Fertility posts. This tends to be only correcting spelling & grammar, adding affiliate links, and adding any additional images needed to make the article match the feel and tone of

Writing Credit

If we like your article and choose to publish it, we will give you full credit at the bottom of your post with a featured ‘bio’.  Here you can include a bit of information about you and your website, as well as links to your social media profiles.

Write For Us!

Click the button below to get in contact with us and let us know what you are interested in writing. Feel free to list some post ideas for us to look over if you are not sure. Any links to past work are also welcomed and recommended.

Once we receive your draft and your bio, we will get back to you within a week. Thank you for your interest!

Contact Foods for Fertility to Write