Submit Your Story
What is your story?
We are taking submissions for reader stories - from our community of strong women. If you have a story you think would benefit Foods for Fertility readers, we want to hear it.
Do you have an IVF story you want to share that you feel would benefit other women? An exceptional birth story? A story of infertility, hope, pregnancy? We want to hear from our readers.
This is a place of safety and respect. Every woman’s experience deserves compassion. It also deserves a whole lot of celebration, which is why we have a new Strong Women Forum.
If you have a story you want to share, click the link below to submit your story.
Submission Guidelines & Details
Please read these guidelines in their entirety before submitting your story in the form below.
- Stories can be short. Even a short paragraph encapsulating your story is great. At the other end of the spectrum, please try to keep your story under 2500 words.
- It may take us some time to review and post your story. Please know that we are doing our best to keep up with submissions.
- If you haven’t gone through infertility, IVF, pregnancy etc., feel free to share a loved one's story. (Please be sure that you have the permission of the person.)
- We want real stories from real readers. At this point, we will not post fictional stories. Tell us your joy and sorrow, your pain and bliss. Tell us your trauma or grief, and how you have healed.
- We reserve the right to reject submissions that do not follow the above instructions. We also reserve the right to reject submissions that do not reflect the mission of the project, which is to encourage women in their own journeys in an atmosphere free of judgment, politics, or advice. We will also not post stories that could be considered hurtful or harmful to anyone involved or any of our community.
- You are welcome to post as Anonymous or make up a name. Enter 'Anonymous' in that field if you choose that option. You are also very welcome to post your real name, and we think that is awesome! If you have a blog or a website you’d like listed with your name, you are welcome to list that too. BE SURE to list your name/alias and website exactly the way you want it listed.
- Your email address will NEVER be posted publicly anywhere, and is only in case we have a question and need to contact you.
- By submitting your story, you give us permission to publish it to this website and share it on social media. You retain copyright and ownership of your story and are free to sell, repost, or reprint it at any time.
Please tell us your story.
Tell it for yourself, for your daughters, for your mothers, for every woman. Please email Foods for Fertility to submit your completed story. In your email, please also indicate whether you want to add a brief profile or if you want to remain anonymous.